Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Looking Back and Looking Forward

It's that time of the year to look back on the previous year to take stock of all that has happened. I must say, I'm not sad to see 2015 go. Let's just say it was a challenging year. But I'm not here to dwell on all the negativity.

2015 was also a year of growth for me as an artist. I must have channeled all the angst into creativity. Last year about this time, I drew my goals for 2015.

For the most part, I was able to accomplish these goals. In "Art", the only thing I didn't get to do was to participate in a craft show. I started my this blog in April and updated it in July. My husband and I have been on a low carb diet since April and we've both lost some weight. I also started to do yoga and love it. I just need to schedule it in regularly.

And though Friday night Shabbat as a family was difficult to maintain, we did eat regularly as a family together. And I even survived my son driving. In fact, I get him to drive often. 

I didn't get to play the piano much this year. Because Ken was home, I just never got a chance to really practice enough to play the Bach piece. I still love to listen to it daily. And I probably won't have much time to play next year either.

There are so many things I learned this year. I learned to use a saw...enough to create a wooden sword for my youngest in her battle reenactment. I'm learning so much about painting with watercolors. And I think I'm a better illustrator these days because I see better. 

I also got to work with the author, Mia Kerick, to create promotional graphics for her YA LGBT books and I'm very proud of those. I've been able to hone my skills in drawing and painting faces.

And perhaps something I'm most proud of is keeping up with my daily journaling (Fauxbonichi). And on certain days, it helped me cope and keep my sanity. It is wonderful to have a creative outlet for things that I felt this year. 

The graphic you see above shows my goals for 2016. I drew it in my Fauxbonichi for the beginning of 2016. The big focus next year for me will be to balance my work life and my family life. I know that I will be working somewhere in 2016 and I have to make sure that my family is my top priority. And I want to also make sure to carve out some time for art because it's important to me. And you may see me blog less, but I'm committed to not let this disappear. 

Happy New Year! What are you looking forward to?

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