This week's Diva's Challenge was an interesting one. The guest blogger, Holly Atwater gave us two sets of
challenges. The first was to listen to instructions as you worked on your tile. No names of patterns were given, just audio instructions. I'm a strong visual learner so I was really apprehensive about the first challenge and even thought about skipping it. But I was curious. So I took the plunge. The instructions said to use a 2x2 tile but I didn't have any, so I just created a 2x2 square in my journal. With headphones on, Inlistened to her soothing voice while classical music played in the background.
The first challenge had me drawing a triangle and another.. Soon, I discovered I was drawing the pattern tripoli, which I've always had difficulty getting all the triangles to fit together. Was I shocked that I was able to produce these triangles in pen!! Somehow, listening to the instructions helped me draw the best tripoli I've ever done.. Was it because I didn't have an expectation about what I was doing that I let myself just follow the instruction? I don't know but I was eager to try the other audio challenges..

The second audio instruction began and I found myself getting ahead and then I recognized a Bach piece playing and it's hard for me to listen to Bach and do something else because Bach requires absolute concentration for me. And then I realized I wasn't listening to the instructions so I stopped the audio briefly. When I turned it back on, I heard Holly say turn the tile 90 degrees. I'm not sure if this was what she intended but my Cruffles curvies are perpendicular. I think it turned out ok.
The third was the hardest for me, partly because I was getting antsy and because of course, another Bach piece was playing, this time Cello prelude in G major.. How could I not listen to that! But I got through it..
I found the whole challenge interesting because I was able to produce tiles that I normally wouldn't (couldn't?). I didn't find this to be too challenging I think because I had drawn these patterns before. I'm now wondering if I can do this with patterns I haven't done before. I'm eager to find out. One thing for sure, I cannot listen to Bach if I need to concentrate on a task.. And finally, I really enjoyed the process so I reproduced the tiles in my daily journal..
This was a fun challenge. I appreciate the relaxing time before the chaos begins. Yes, this is the third week of school and all the homework my kids have are driving all of us crazy. Algebra 1 and 2, physics, chemistry, and vocabulary.. It's like I'm back in school.. And to all of you from the challenge, thank you for the lovely comments, I will try my best to see everyone's.